

I wanted to introduce you to our herd sire Julio (action packed lifestyle for sure). He is a Red Poll, yes that is a breed not just a description. He begins his work on February 14th and remains with the cows for 60 days. He then leaves the herd and takes up residence at a neighbors ranch until we need him back at the dairy the following year.

Meet Mouse a Registered Brown Swiss cow enjoying a good morning stretch. She is on her extended 60 day maternity leave and will be back in milk by December.

Minnie is another Registered Brown Swiss cow. She is also on maternity leave and not interested in doing anything more then eating and sleeping. She and Mouse are right now hands down our milkmaids favorite cows.

Dreamer is our youngest Registered Brown Swiss and this is her first calving. She moved here in July and has adjusted quite well to her new home and companions. You probably noticed she is slightly lighter in coloring and has a more blocky shape to her. Milkmaid likes her just fine but still her heart belongs to Minnie and Mouse.

Here is one of our Jersey girls. She is a team player, good milker and gets along well with her coworkers both human and bovine.

Brenda Lee
Another Jersey girl she gets along with all her coworkers, is more reserved then some of the other employees but shows up ready to work every morning without complaint.

Another Jersey Girl! Ready to work.

Oliver Lee
Can you say Jersey Girl! Ready to work.